Monday 5 January 2009

A predictable debate about a deadly subject

Why is it so difficult to have an intelligent debate about Israel/Palestine?

It is virtually impossible in the MSM, let alone on-line, to find anything which isn't written on the basis of strongly held views which assumes one of the sides is on the side of the angels. The idea that this might be a touch more complicated than this simple dualicity is difficult to find. The phone in on 5Live this morning was no better - a hour of phone calls, the contents of almost all of which you knew before the caller had been put on air.

I think the fact that both sides (understandably) seems themselves as victims and the issues are so closely linked with identity politics of the most powerful kind, makes this a subject about which it is difficult to be dispassionate particularly if you identify strongly with one side or another.

For my part, I am genuinely conflicted about this conflict. I understand why Israel needs to respond to rockets being fired into its territory from across the border. But the level of human suffering, and the condition of Gaza as a result of its treatment by its neighbours (and government), does not seems proportional to the stated aims of the Israeli government. I think I have come to the conclusion that the Israelis are seeking to create a new strategic reality on the ground - weakening Hamas and thereby dealing a blow to Iran and securing southern Israel against rocket attack at the same time.

That is desirable but I am not sure that it is achievable, particularly at such a high human cost which will only perpetuate the spiral of violence.

He isn't president so he doesn't make policy...

Every UK news broadcast this evening has followed their initial reports about Gaza with a piece about Obama's 'silence' over the situation.

Note to news editors: this is a non-story. Of course he isn't going to say much. He isn't president, he doesn't make policy and he keeping to a long term convention that presidents-elect don't intervene in/comment on foreign policy.

Some here have compared his response to current events to those in Mumbai late last year but comparisons between comments on a controversial war in the middle east and condolences on a universally condemned terrorist attack don't hold.

Some excellent news

If this is true (and it is), this is the surest sign yet that the immorality and madness of the past 8 years is over.

Saturday 3 January 2009